On February 23rd, Steve presented a Phylanx seminar on the current state of the Python front-end to Phylanx, PhyFun. This method of binding Phylanx primitives utilizes Python decorators. The talk describes how to use the decorators and some of the current implementation’s limitations. You can find the lecture as well as links to the seminar materials below:
Seminar Video: https://youtu.be/oW_qUb7Z4VY
Jupyter Notebook (.ipynb): http://stellar.cct.lsu.edu/files/phylanx_seminars/02.23.18_seminar_phyfun/phyfun_jupyter_notebook_demo_02.23.18.ipynb
Jupyter Notebook (PDF): http://stellar.cct.lsu.edu/files/phylanx_seminars/02.23.18_seminar_phyfun/phyfun_jupyter_notebook_demo_02.23.18.pdf