The twenty-third month of work focused on work in the following areas:
- Refactoring
- Atria Tree
- Gantt Chart
- 4D tensor support in Phylanx
- Support for distributed Phylanx execution
The twenty-third month of work focused on work in the following areas:
Often when writing distributed applications, a user will want to represent a large data set as a single object, despite not fitting in memory on a single node. In order to address this use case, Weile Wei and Maxwell Reeser Continue reading
By Shahrzad Shirzad
Blazemark is the benchmark suite for Blaze library. In order to compile and run Blazemark with HPX backend, take the following steps: Continue reading
On Thursday, Hartmut demonstrated how the Phylanx project implements primitives by creating an add “primitive” example independent Phylanx. He started with an empty file and built a small model of Continue reading